Meet Page Turner Runner-Up Harriet Ford
See Page Turner Champion Debbie Roome’s interview here.
Harriet Ford is a writer and speaker, and FaithWriters member – and a runner up in the FaithWriters 2015 Page Turner contest. Read on to learn more about Harriet, her novel in progress, and get a peek at her sense of humor.
JOANNE SHER: First of all, congratulations on your Page Turner placing! Can you tell us a bit about how you found out? What was your reaction?
HARRIET FORD: I first discovered my Page Turner placed from your email request for an interview. I said, “Wow! Thank you Lord.Woo Hoo!” I must have sounded like Daffy Duck. The Lord doesn’t mind. He knows what a joyful noise is, even if it sounds ridiculous.
JOANNE: When do you first remember developing a passion/love for writing?
HARRIET: I fell in love with storytelling when I was a child. My dad could spin wondrous yarns at bedtime and I insisted on one every night.
JOANNE: So you started young.
Is writing a hobby or potential career for you?
HARRIET: Writing is a career for me. I am a veteran newspaper columnist and reporter. In the late 1980s, I entered a contest to replace the then-famous Ann Landers. I was in the top 100 of 11,000 entries. My editor gave me an advice/humor column which appeared weekly from 1990 to 2014. I’m good at advice. Just ask me. Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
JOANNE: Share a bit aboutVoodoo Vanquishing Vixen. Where did you get the idea for it? What’s it about? How far along in it are you?
HARRIET: Voodoo Vanquishing Vixen is a suspense adventure with a hint of romance for readers of all ages, especially those who have grown up on Harry Potter and the Vampire series. It is the first of a three-part series called “Beyond Fantasy.” There is a biblical message wrapped inside which illustrates why witchcraft is forbidden by God. As a retired school teacher, I know what kids are reading and I’m very concerned.
What inspired me? My Grandmother visited a fortune teller at a state fair as a young woman. The psychic could not “read” her, but she said this: “You have the power to become a medium.” When my grandmother asked her how to do that, she answered, “You have to curse God.” Grandmother refused because she loved the Lord. When I began to search biblical answers about occult subjects I soon realized there is a kingdom of darkness and a kingdom of Light. The enemy has his prophets, witches, and more. There is a hidden reality behind the game playing.
JOANNE: Definitely issues many want to avoid – but shouldn’t. I am glad you are writing about it. How did you find FaithWriters and what made you stick around?
HARRIET: I discovered FaithWriters while browsing the web and love what that site is doing to encourage believing authors. I have made friends with many of the members.
JOANNE: What kinds of books or genres to you prefer to read and/or write?
HARRIET: I read in a variety of genres, by a variety of authors. History, mystery, spiritual, suspense. I write Bible studies, devotions, answers to spiritual questions on my blog: I write every day.
JOANNE: Tell us about your family.
HARRIET: I am the wife of one husband (thank God), mother of two miracle daughters (God healed my barren womb), and grandmother of four gorgeous grandkids who are superb. Just ask me. I also have a little dachshund who is a Christian. I know this because she is perfectly obedient to the words of Jesus: she eats the crumbs from under her master’s table. I haven’t heard her pray yet, but I’m sure she will one day.
JOANNE: Love your sense of humor! What are your other passions besides writing?
HARRIET: My other passions are leading a women’s Bible study and prayer group, volunteering at a ministry-gift shop in Branson, and speaking for Stonecroft women’s connection luncheons where I get to tell the story of Jesus and His miracle-working power in my life. I have spoken at Faith and Wisdom Church in Branson at a women’s conference. The Purple Shoes (Treasures of the Heart Women’s Conference) has asked me to speak again in April of 2016.
JOANNE: Do you make New Year’s Resolutions or goals? If so, what do you hope to accomplish in 2016?
HARRIET: I do not make New Year’s resolutions. I do set goals. I am in the process of completing the third book in the Beyond Fantasy trilogy. I can’t wait to see how it’s going to end. There is no outline or plan for my chapters. I sit at my computer and ask the Lord to help me keep it entertaining and to handle all scriptural activities (both dark and Light) honestly in a way that will bless and minister to the reader. Knowledge rests not on Truth alone, but on recognizing error. I want my children to know the difference.
JOANNE: How can people connect with you online?
HARRIET: People can connect with me on my author’s page, my author’s website,and on Facebook. I do enjoy hearing from my readers.
JOANNE: Is there anything else you would like to add?
HARRIET: Would I like to add anything? Tell Santa I want a fat bank account and a skinny body. Last year he got that mixed up.
Harriet Ford is a writer and speaker, and FaithWriters member – and a runner up in the FaithWriters 2015 Page Turner contest. Read on to learn more about Harriet, her novel in progress, and get a peek at her sense of humor.
JOANNE SHER: First of all, congratulations on your Page Turner placing! Can you tell us a bit about how you found out? What was your reaction?
HARRIET FORD: I first discovered my Page Turner placed from your email request for an interview. I said, “Wow! Thank you Lord.Woo Hoo!” I must have sounded like Daffy Duck. The Lord doesn’t mind. He knows what a joyful noise is, even if it sounds ridiculous.
JOANNE: When do you first remember developing a passion/love for writing?
HARRIET: I fell in love with storytelling when I was a child. My dad could spin wondrous yarns at bedtime and I insisted on one every night.
HARRIET: Writing is a career for me. I am a veteran newspaper columnist and reporter. In the late 1980s, I entered a contest to replace the then-famous Ann Landers. I was in the top 100 of 11,000 entries. My editor gave me an advice/humor column which appeared weekly from 1990 to 2014. I’m good at advice. Just ask me. Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
JOANNE: Share a bit aboutVoodoo Vanquishing Vixen. Where did you get the idea for it? What’s it about? How far along in it are you?
HARRIET: Voodoo Vanquishing Vixen is a suspense adventure with a hint of romance for readers of all ages, especially those who have grown up on Harry Potter and the Vampire series. It is the first of a three-part series called “Beyond Fantasy.” There is a biblical message wrapped inside which illustrates why witchcraft is forbidden by God. As a retired school teacher, I know what kids are reading and I’m very concerned.
What inspired me? My Grandmother visited a fortune teller at a state fair as a young woman. The psychic could not “read” her, but she said this: “You have the power to become a medium.” When my grandmother asked her how to do that, she answered, “You have to curse God.” Grandmother refused because she loved the Lord. When I began to search biblical answers about occult subjects I soon realized there is a kingdom of darkness and a kingdom of Light. The enemy has his prophets, witches, and more. There is a hidden reality behind the game playing.
JOANNE: Definitely issues many want to avoid – but shouldn’t. I am glad you are writing about it. How did you find FaithWriters and what made you stick around?
HARRIET: I discovered FaithWriters while browsing the web and love what that site is doing to encourage believing authors. I have made friends with many of the members.
JOANNE: What kinds of books or genres to you prefer to read and/or write?
HARRIET: I read in a variety of genres, by a variety of authors. History, mystery, spiritual, suspense. I write Bible studies, devotions, answers to spiritual questions on my blog: I write every day.
JOANNE: Tell us about your family.
HARRIET: I am the wife of one husband (thank God), mother of two miracle daughters (God healed my barren womb), and grandmother of four gorgeous grandkids who are superb. Just ask me. I also have a little dachshund who is a Christian. I know this because she is perfectly obedient to the words of Jesus: she eats the crumbs from under her master’s table. I haven’t heard her pray yet, but I’m sure she will one day.
JOANNE: Love your sense of humor! What are your other passions besides writing?
HARRIET: My other passions are leading a women’s Bible study and prayer group, volunteering at a ministry-gift shop in Branson, and speaking for Stonecroft women’s connection luncheons where I get to tell the story of Jesus and His miracle-working power in my life. I have spoken at Faith and Wisdom Church in Branson at a women’s conference. The Purple Shoes (Treasures of the Heart Women’s Conference) has asked me to speak again in April of 2016.
JOANNE: Do you make New Year’s Resolutions or goals? If so, what do you hope to accomplish in 2016?
HARRIET: I do not make New Year’s resolutions. I do set goals. I am in the process of completing the third book in the Beyond Fantasy trilogy. I can’t wait to see how it’s going to end. There is no outline or plan for my chapters. I sit at my computer and ask the Lord to help me keep it entertaining and to handle all scriptural activities (both dark and Light) honestly in a way that will bless and minister to the reader. Knowledge rests not on Truth alone, but on recognizing error. I want my children to know the difference.
JOANNE: How can people connect with you online?
HARRIET: People can connect with me on my author’s page, my author’s website,and on Facebook. I do enjoy hearing from my readers.
JOANNE: Is there anything else you would like to add?
HARRIET: Would I like to add anything? Tell Santa I want a fat bank account and a skinny body. Last year he got that mixed up.